Archive for the ‘Fabu Sites’ Category


Sculpting with shadow and light: Fred Eerdekens

July 18, 2009


I found the above image on the blog James In Space . The artist is Fred Eerdekens, who sculpts space with objects, lights and shadows. The words on the wall are written by the shadows cast by what at first look like random pieces of wire.


“Holy Spirit Come Home” is created with two light sources and arranged objects. The words are formed by the box tops and shapes that cast the shadows on the surface. The words change with the different lights


Light shining through trees to form the words on the wall. Note that the words are not projected: they are formed by negative space in the sculpture. His website has even more amazing examples. I truly admire the way his mind works. It reminds me of watching Todd Davis at work in the photo studio – manipulating light into unexpected creations.

Speaking of James In Space; visit his site when you have a spare few hours to refresh your mind and inspire your imagination. It’s a roller coaster ride of creativity – appropriate since he is, among other things, a designer for theme parks and movies.


Great online comic

June 16, 2009

From the archives of the webcomic XKCD:


True genius lies in making a point with a few frames and speech bubbles instead of pages of speechifying.